Invisalign: The Easier and Better Way to Get the Perfect Smile

Everyone desires a beautiful smile, but not all of us are blessed with a perfect set of pearly whites. Misaligned, overcrowded, crooked, or gapped teeth can make you conscious, and you may refrain from smiling as often as you should.

Metal braces can provide a solution to the issues. However, many adults and even teens prefer something inconspicuous and more manageable.

Invisalign Springfield VA provides one such solution.

This modern treatment has gathered popularity in the last decade between both adults and teens. The procedure does not attract attention like metal braces but is effective and helps you achieve that perfect smile in just a few months.

What is Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign treatment is one of the most widely used dental treatments that straighten your smile and fixes any issues with your bite. The process involves using a series of custom-made clear mouthpieces, also known as aligners.

These aligners need to be worn by 20-22 hrs. a day on upper and bottom teeth. Each set of aligners creates gentle pressure on your teeth to move them to the desired location.

The aligners need to be replaced every few weeks. The gradual process provides you with perfectly aligned teeth and a beautiful and radiant smile.

How Invisalign treatment is better than traditional braces?

Both metal braces and Invisalign treatment provides you with perfectly aligned teeth by slowly moving your teeth to the desired position. However, Invisalign, Springfield, VA, may be preferred over metal braces due to the following benefits.

1. Discreet appearance

The popularity of Invisalign treatment is mainly due to its inconspicuous appearance. The traditional metal braces can make teenagers very self-conscious, and they may avoid the process altogether.

Even adults do not prefer metal braces as they can interfere with their personal and professional life. Imagine going to a job interview or a date with your metal braces. Invisalign treatment can be a savior in this situation.

Aligners are made from transparent plastic material. These custom mouthpieces are designed to fit your teeth perfectly. The better the fit, the less noticeable your aligners become. You can also remove them if you have to attend an interview, a party, or other events.

2. Better oral health

Unlike traditional braces, your aligners are removable, and you do not need to wear them throughout the day. Eating your meals with metal braces has its limitations. You need to avoid chewy, crunchy, and hard food items. Also, the food particles can get stuck in the orthodontic wires.

Brushing and flossing your teeth with metal braces is again an issue, and it can lead to plaque build-up and tooth decay. You can easily remove your aligners while eating, brushing, or flossing your teeth.

This helps you maintain your oral health during the orthodontic procedure. Also, you can clean your aligners every day.

3. Quicker results

With Invisalign, Springfield, VA, you can achieve your perfect smile quickly and conveniently. In many cases, the Invisalign treatment has been able to bring faster results for misaligned teeth in comparison to metal braces.

On average, Invisalign treatment can fix your pearly whites in twelve to eighteen months. However, in some cases, the results could be as quick as six months.

The duration is dependent on the severity of your dental issues. If you have slightly crooked teeth, a shorter treatment will be enough. However, for more severe misalignment, you need to use the aligners for a prolonged duration to get the desired results. Hence, Invisalign treatment is a comfortable and quick way to achieve your perfect smile.

Invisalign treatments are convenient, easy, and a better solution for your dental worries. They also bring quicker results in comparison to traditional braces. The above-mentioned benefits necessitate using the Invisalign treatment to achieve that perfect smile.