Why Vitamins and Minerals are Important to Your Body?

A balanced diet is critical for the long-term well-being of your health. It supplies your body with the essential nutrients that it needs to perform various biological tasks to keep you in good shape. Along with assisting your body in generating energy, the nutrients in your food are key in supporting the immune system, repairing cellular damage, healing wounds, and strengthening bones. For better health results, you can consider including supplements like It Works Vitamins and other nutritional products in your daily meals.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are the essential nutrients that your body needs. They are also known as micronutrients since only tiny amounts of them are sufficient to make a considerable difference to your health. Working in coordination with one another, they provide your body with the necessary raw materials for producing skin, muscle, bone, and blood. They enable it to transmit nerve signals and send life-sustaining instructions via chemical messages between the different organs.

How Vitamins Help Your Body

There are 13 essential vitamins that your body needs. These are vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, and the eight vitamin B varieties — thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid, B6, biotin (B7), B12, and folate and folic acid.

Being organic, vitamins are easily broken down and rendered inactive when exposed to heat, air, or acid. That might make it difficult to get the right amount of vitamins your body needs from the food you consume. You could need supplements like It Works Vitamins.

Vitamin A: It is useful for the proper functioning of your lungs, heart, liver, and other organs. Additionally, it bolsters your immune system, keeps your skin healthy, and improves your night vision. Vitamin A is found in milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, and fish, and is obtained from beta-carotene sources like mangos, apricots, papayas, sweet potatoes, carrots, red peppers, and spinach.

Vitamins B: They assist with the absorption of iron, with the production of energy, and with the proper functioning of the immune system and the nervous system. Good sources of Vitamins B are nuts, fortified cereals, bananas, oranges, wholegrain bread, and peas.

Vitamin C: You can obtain Vitamin C by consuming oranges, lemons, and other citrus fruits, strawberries, black currants, potatoes, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and peppers. Vitamin C prevents scurvy, keeps cells protected and healthy, helps with tissue repair, and enables neurotransmitter enzyme production.

Vitamin D: It helps your body to absorb calcium and phosphate from food and supplements and thus is important for strengthening your bones, teeth, and muscles. You can generally get all the Vitamin D you need from being in direct sunlight. However, if you are not able to expose yourself to sunlight daily, you can take supplements like It Works Vitamins and also intake of fortified cereals, egg yolks, red meat, liver, and oily fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring.

Vitamin E: You can get Vitamin E from nuts, seeds, cereals, sunflower oil, olive oil, and various other foods. It helps to keep eyes and skin healthy and strengthens the immune system.

Vitamin K: Found in leafy vegetables, cereals, vegetable oils, dairy, and meat, it protects against fractures by helping to form strong bones. It helps with blood clotting and healing wounds.

How Minerals Help Your Body

There are two kinds of minerals — macrominerals and trace minerals. Unlike vitamins, minerals are inorganic and do not lose their chemical structure when exposed to heat, air, or acid. They are easier to absorb and help your body in a range of tasks from making enzymes and hormones to building strong bones and muscles to maintaining a normal heartbeat and brain function to transmitting nerve impulses.

Calcium, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus are the essential minerals for your health. You also need chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, and iodine. Other important minerals are copper, manganese, chromium, selenium, molybdenum, and fluoride.

Deficiency of Vitamins and Minerals

A range of health issues can arise from a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Which is why you need to get daily exposure to sunlight and consume vegetables, fruits, nuts, fortified cereals, dairy products, eggs, meat, and other health-giving foods. You may benefit too from supplementing your diet with It Works Vitamins.